Tiger Balm Red Jar 6/18 GR [UNFI #58497] T



Other Information: This product may cause allergic reaction in some individuals. Test on small area before use. Tiger Balm Red Extra Strength may stain cloth items. To avoid possibility of strains, use Tiger Balm White Regular Strength or Tiger Balm Ultra Strength. Works where it hurts. Concentrated. Pain relieving ointment of sore muscles. For temporary relief of minor aches and pains due to: backache; bruises; arthritis; strains; joint pains; sprains For temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with simple backache, arthritis, bruises, strains and sprains. Tiger Balm has been used for nearly 100 years and sold throughout the world. Website: www.tigerbalm.com. Questions/Comments: (925) 292-3888. Made in China.