Certified gluten free. gfco.org. Non GMO. Non-GMO Verified project. nongmoproject.org. Over 20 years ago two forward thinking New York chefs created Terra chips. From the first moment, people were hooked on the vibrant flavors and delectable crunch that comes from sourcing unique and diverse root vegetables from a select group of farmers. Today, the intimate process of crafting our chips remains with over 20 different varieties and flavors that are truly distinctive by nature. Taro: Taro, also known as malanga and dasheen, is distinguished by its characteristic purplish-brown lines. A native to Southeast Asia, it was first cultivated over 4,000 years ago, and introduced across the Pacific by ancestors of the Polynesians. If you are not completely satisfied, please call 888-243-6704. nongmoproject.org. www.terrachips.com. gfco.org. If you are not completely satisfied. Please call 888-243-6704. Product of Honduras.