No salt added. Non GMO Project Verified. Seafood with a story. Wild tuna. 100% Pole & line. Traceable from sea to plate. Not a sodium free food. Maadhoo, Maldives - Zaky & Crew. Hello from Maandhoo! Come aboard my traditional fishing boat! With our fishing community, we're always in search of the most delicious skipjack tuna. In season, we leave the harbor with our fishing rod to catch tuna one by one. Thank you for your support and enjoy! - Hussain Zaky. Facebook. Instagram. YouTube. Come aboard & get hooked. Facebook: seatalesUSA. Instagram: seatales_USA. YouTube: bartsfishtales. Want to find out more? Scan me with your smartphone! IPNLF supporting member. Non-BPA lining. Certified Sustainable Seafood MSC. From an MSC sustainable Certified Fishery. Catch Method: Wild caught. Catch Area: Indian Ocean (FAO 51). Product of Spain. Produced in Spain.