Mozambique grown, roasted and packaged. Providing hope never tasted so good! At Sunshine Nut Co., the only thing that rivals our passion for cashews is our compassion for the poor and orphaned. That's why founder Dan Larson and his wife Terri sold all their possessions in the USA and moved to Mozambique to live among those they were inspired to help. Sunshine Nut co. aspires to be transformational in all our practices – from providing a market for local farmers to hiring adult orphans giving 90% of profits distributed to care for orphans and increase the standard of living in the farming communities. While our products are making a difference, you can also taste a difference. By roasting and packing our cashews where they’re grown, we're able to capture the fresh, delicious flavor and crisp crunch in every package – creating the best cashews under the sun! Our nut-loving customers are important to us! Peanut free. Gluten free. GMO free. The Sunshine Approach: Dignity; love; community. Learn more about how The Sunshine Approach is changing the world at Product of Mozambique.