Plant Based. Dairy Free. Lactose Free. Soy Free. Gluten Free. Cholesterol Free. Carrageenan Free. Almond Free. Excellent source of calcium. Non-GMO Project verified. Ready for anything. R: It's R choice regenerative farming. Moo is moot. Plant based. From Raw. Never roasted. Let your coffee notes sing out. Milkadamia is crafted from raw (never roasted) macadamias, so the coffee taste rings out rich and robust just the way you like it. We're for soil. Beneath our trees, trillions of microorganisms perform their unfathomably intricate dance of life. Left undisturbed by plows or poisons, their multiplication draws bulk carbon from the air and regenerates rich, new, fertile soil. We’re all for that. Facebook. Instagram. Tetra Pak: Tetra Brik Aseptic. FSC. Please recycle.