Lucky Sprngroll Thaigfvg 8/8.5 OZ [UNFI #72084]


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Carrots, green beans, cabbage, tofu and lemongrass combine to bring you this Thai inspired spring roll. 45 kcal per serving. New look. Same fresh flavor. Sauce included. Ready in 3 mins. No MSG. A family recipe from our kitchen to yours. - The Jo Family. Passed down three generations, our spring rolls are just the way grandma first made them - a crispy hand-rolled wrapper filled with wholesome, plant-based ingredients. At Lucky Foods, we have made it our mission to create healthy and convenient Asian foods. We have carefully crafted our products to only contain ingredients you can pronounce and feel proud to serve your family. Carrots, green beans, cabbage, tofu and lemon grass combine to bring you this Thai inspired spring roll. Share how you enjoy Lucky Foods for a chance to win! (hashtag)eatluckyfoods. Instagram: eatluckyfoods. Facebook: luckyfoods. Visit To find recipe ideas & other great lucky products. Check out our Korean-inspired Brand: Seoul. Made with love in Oregon, USA.