Per 1 Stick Pack: 50 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 0 g sugars; 10 g protein (20% DV); 10 g protein. Gluten free. No sugar added. Paleo. Absolutely no gluten. No sugar. Not a low calorie food. See nutrition information for sugar and calorie cantent. 8 oz. There's nothing artificial about awesome. Collagen. Amino acids. LonoLife was born out of a bold, beautiful belief: Life is a celebration to be embraced. You totally deserve more to savor, more fulfillment and more energy - without sacrificing simple, authentic goodness or quick, easy convenience. We pack all of that into our stick packs. So get brewing. Then get living. Taste more of life. Extraordinary? Exactly. Follow us: Facebook: (at)lonolife. Instagram: (at)lonolifeinc. Twitter: (hashtag)lonolife.