Ginger drink with lemon and honey. To soothe the stomach. Drive away chills. It quenches thirst, revives, excites the brain, and in old age awakes young love again. Within the stomach, loins and lung, praise of hot ginger rightly may be sung. A daily dose of this smooth, satisfying and all natural drink will help keep you in harmony all day. Ginger is said to soothe the throat & stomach, warm the internal organs, and ease nausea & ailments from colds to headaches. Drink it hot/Drink it cold. And that's not even the best bit! Ginger is also a powerful antioxidant with over 12 constituents superior to vitamin E (Critical reviews in Food Science & Nutrition 17/No. 8). And it helps neutralize free radicals, widely recognized as being a common cause of inflammation (Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin (Tokyo) 40/No. 2). Not bad huh? And the taste? Mmmmmmm! A history of food. If you love this drink, visit us at for more healthful products and recipes. Non GMO Project verified. Gluten free.