Cybeles Free To Eat Cki Vgn Otml Rsn 6/6 OZ [UNFI #80969]



Free to eat. Free from the Top 8 Allergens: no dairy; no eggs; no wheat; no soy; no peanuts; no tree nuts; no fish; no shellfish. Certified gluten-free. Say hello to the modern cookie. Full of the flavors you crave and free from the top 8 allergens. When my son was diagnosed with severe food allergies, I tied on my apron and began baking from scratch. Now you can try our favorite allergy-friendly cookies, baked fresh for you. They're made with all-natural, vegan ingredients and no preservatives or additives. They're also gluten-free, sesame-free, and sulfite-free. And because your safety is so important to us, all our ingredient suppliers have been carefully screened to avoid cross contamination risk. Now my cookies are your cookies. In addition, thousands of (hashtag)FreeFrom advocates are sharing lifestyle tips everyday at and You are now free-to-eat! Enjoy! - Cybele Pascal, The Allergy-Friendly Cook. Baked in a dedicated gluten-free, allergy-friendly facility. Certified vegan.