Creminelli Fine Meats Snack Tray Calabrese & Provolo 12/2.2 Oz [Peterson #28322]


With smoked provolone cheese. No nitrates or nitrites added (Pork raised in open living conditions and fed a vegetarian diet). Humanely-raised US pork (Except for those naturally occurring in sea salt and celery powder). Creminelli winner of 11 national food award. US Inspected for wholesomeness by Department of Agriculture. Uncured (Except for These Naturally Occurring in Sea Salt and Celery Powder) mildly spicy Italian salami made with organic red pepper and paprika paired with creamy provolone cheese smoked with hickory wood. Gluten free. 17 g protein - 0 g sugar. Animal raised in open living conditions. No antibiotics (Pork raised with no antibiotics ever). No added hormones (Federal regulations do not permit the use of hormones in pork). No artificial ingredients. No significant difference has been shown between milk derived from rBST-treated an non-rBST-treated cows rBST free cheese. Join our food adventures. Facebook. Instagram. (at)creminelli.