Dietary Supplement. Super keto. Sustained energy. Fat burning fuel. Crave less. Do more. Brain Octane C8 MCT oils is no ordinary MCT oil. Sourced purely from coconuts, it contains the most ketogenic MCT oil, pure C8 caprylic acid-an easy-to-absorb, high-quality smart fat that rapidly converts into brain-powering, fat-burning ketone energy. Brain Octane C8 MCT oil helps control cravings, jump-starts your metabolism and improves cognitive performance to keep your sharp. Your superpowered sidekick. These little packets are on a mission: to give you a boost when you need it most. Pack them in your gym bag, backpack or back pocket-or stash the whole box on your desk at work. It's an easy hit of energy to help you power through your goals. Tel: 1-844-640-3003. (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.)