INGREDIENTS: center table border0 cellspacing2 cellpadding2 width450 tbody tr td valigntop alignleftstrongxylichew sugar free soft chewing gum spearmint 60 piecesstrongtd tr tr td bgcolor000000 valigntop alignleftcenter table border0 cellspacing2 cellpadding1 width444 bgcolorffffff tbody trth valigntop colspan3 alignleftbigsupplement factsbigthtr tr td colspan3strongserving size 1 piece 1.3 gstrongtd tr tr td colspan3strongservings per container 60strongtd tr tr bgcolor000000 td height6 colspan3td tr tr td valigntop colspan2 alignrightstrongamount per servingstrongtd td valigntop alignrightstrong% daily valuestrongtd tr tr bgcolor000000 td colspan3td tr tr tdstrongcaloriesstrongtd td valigntop alignright5td td valigntop alignrighttd tr tr bgcolor000000 td height4 colspan3td tr tr tdstrongtotal fatstrongtd td valigntop alignright0 gtd td valigntop alignright0%td tr tr bgcolor000000 td colspan3td tr tr tdstrongsodiumstrongtd td valigntop alignright0 gtd td valigntop alignright0%td tr tr bgcolor000000 td colspan3td tr tr tdstrongtotal carbohydratestrongtd td valigntop alignright1 gtd td valigntop alignright1%td tr tr bgcolor000000 td colspan3td tr tr td sugarstd td valigntop alignright0 gtd td valigntop alignrighttd tr tr bgcolor000000 td colspan3td tr tr td xylitoltd td valigntop alignright1 gtd td valigntop alignrighttd tr tr bgcolor000000 td colspan3td tr tr tdstrongproteinstrongtd td valigntop alignright0 gtd td valigntop alignright0%td tr tr bgcolor000000 td height6 colspan3td tr tr td colspan3smallnot a significant source of other percent daily values are based on a 2, 000 calorie diet. your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.smalltd tr tbody table centertd tr tr td valigntop alignlefttd tr tr td valigntop alignleftstrongother INGREDIENTSstrong xylitol, gum base, vegetable glycerin, natural spearmint flavors, gum arabic, sunflower lecithin, carnauba produced in a facility that also produces tr tr bgcolor000000 td colspan3td tr tbody table center