Lonlf Broth Thai Crry St 6/4/.49OZ [UNFI #87348]


Per 1 Stick Pack: 50 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 0 g sugars; 10 g protein (20% DV); 10 g protein. Gluten-free. Paleo. Absolutely no gluten, sugar. Not a low calorie food. See nutrition information for sugar and calorie nutrient. 8 oz. Grass fed. Taste more of life. There's nothing artificial about awesome. Collagen. Amino acids. Lonolife was born out of a bold, beautiful belief: Life is a celebration to be embraced. You totally deserve more to savor, more fulfillment and more energy - without sacrificing simple, authentic goodness or quick, easy convenience. We pack all of that into our stick packs. So get brewing. Then get living. www.LonoLife.com. Follow us: Facebook: (at)lonolife. Instagram: (at)lonolifeinc. Twitter: (hashtag)lonolife.