Wallys Beeswax Ear Candles 2 PC [UNFI #83684] T


All-natural. Body, mind, spirit therapy. It's Wally's aromatic hollow candle smoke that does the work - tranquil, warming and rejuvenating to the body, mind and spirit. Light it; and unwind as the downward smoke therapy cascades warm air to the selected area. Rest your body and let your mind drift as your experience the sweet aromatherapy of our beeswax blend. The success of Wally's (multi-purpose candles) is in the creativity of our customers and the many ways they use and enjoy our candles. Multi-purpose hollow candle. For entertainment use only. CE listed. For more information go to www.WallysEarCompany.com. Recyclable package. Handcrafted in the USA using solar-powered energy.