Live Pure The Churro, Cinnamon Cacao 6/10 Oz [UNFI #11116]



USDA Organic. Gluten free. Raw & dairy-free. Certified organic by Baystate Organic Certifiers. No added sugar. Non GMO. CFUs of 5 billion probiotics. Plants + nuts + probiotics. Plant-based vegan. Makes two 13 oz. smoothies. Pure goodness. Zero junk. No food waste. Every ingredient in every cube. Cacao Nibs: Cacao's abundant flavanols may have potent antioxidant and anti-oxidant inflammatory effect; Cashew; Banana: A good source of potassium and fiber; Dates; Cinnamon: Studies show this spice and its antioxidants have potent anti-inflammatory properties; Lucuma; Probiotics: Having a wide variety of these good bacteria in your gut may enhance your immune system function; Maca; Pink sea salt. Learn more at Scan here for more recipes. Follow and tag us (at)livepurecubes (hashtag)cubemebaby. Instagram. Facebook. One meal donated to Kenya Kids Can with every Live Pure purchase.