Plant Start Yellow Pear Cherry Tomato 4in Pot [Black Dog Farm #4806] T

ORDER DEADLINES AND PICKUP: Availability is updated for the upcoming week every Sunday. Order by 11:59pm on Wednesday for pickup on Friday afternoon from the Provisions room. Orders must be picked up by Saturday afternoon at the latest in order to ensure peak quality is maintained.
VOLUME DISCOUNTS: Pricing is based on your total number of starts ordered (mix and match is okay). Please refer to the volume discount tiers below (you must be logged in for the volume tier pricing to appear).

About This Item

The yellow pear tomato produces abundant, small, pear-shaped, yellow fruits. As an indeterminate variety, the plants may rear out of control and require staking.  

"Black Dog Farm was established 30 years ago by the Harlow family [right here on Orcas!]. For 2025 we will have plant starts that include vegetables, herbs and flowers propagated from organic seeds and potting soil.

For those curious, there have been three eponymous black labs: Olive, Pearl, and Lucy- all resting in peace at Black Dog Farm."