6 g fiber per serving. 100% Whole Grain: 48 g or more per serving. 100% of the grain is whole grain. wholegrainscouncil.org. How the best days begin. Eat the best, then do what’s best! We have spent decades handcrafting our delicious, nutritious recipes to give you an easy way to take a break. It's like a little moment of me time first thing in the morning. Guess what? Your morning is pretty powerful. It's kind of like the boss of the next 24 hours. It doesn't just signal the start of a new day, it determines how that day is going to be lived. Will it be a good day? A bad day? Here's the good news - you're the one calling the shots. In fact, you're 100% in charge from the moment that sun comes up. By picking up this mom's best cereal you've already taken a step towards making this one of your best days yet. Start with the little things. Health: try keeping a plant nearby, like an aloe vera. It purifies the air, the gel from the leaves helps heal cuts and burns, and they make you smile! Home: all the elements for your next great creation are waiting right outside your door. Instead of paper, try painting directly on leaves or rocks for fun! Rocks; twigs; leaves. Happiness: studies show a 10-minute break being outside can boost your energy. Simple goodness promise. We promise to make cereals that balance great taste, quality ingredients and affordability. Everything you want in a cereal and nothing you don't. Mom's best guarantee. Guarantee If you're not happy with the quality of this product, contact us for a refund. All we need is a best if used by date and package UPC. MomsBestCereals.com. how2recycle.ingo. Find more great ideas: Facebook: MomsBestFanPage. Instagram: momsbestcereal. Call us at 1-866-465-4633 8am-4pm (Central Time) weekdays MomsBestCereals.com Made using renewable wind energy. We purchase wind energy credits to offset 100% of the electricity used to make the cereal in this box. Please recycle again.