Premium natural cheese. Gluten free. Parmesan real cheese. Aged over 10 months. Real grated. rBGH-BST hormone free (No significant difference has been shown' between milk derived from rBGH-BST treated and non rBGH-BST treated cows. Our cows are always farmer-certified free of artificial hormones). No cows injected with growth hormones. No antibiotics. No preservatives. No animal by-products. Farmer certified rBGH-BST free. Made with vegetable renet. At Andrew & Everret, we are all about the cheese! Responsibly raised cows, US family-owned self-sustaining farms, standards of excellence in ingredients, production and freshness - all combine to provide great tasting wholesome cheeses and other products. From the beginning, our core attributes enable you, our consumer, to make clear informed decisions in the healthy food that you choose. Andrew & Everret. Udderly the best! Source verified from farm to table! Product sold by weight, not by volume. Contents may settle. Visit Try All Our Cheese Varieties: Pre-Sliced; Shredded; String Cheese; Bricks Butter; Snack Bars. Certified non-clone sourced.