OG2 Dr Mcdougalls Lentil Veg Soup 6/18 OZ [UNFI #49681]


140 calories (per 245 g serving); 10 g fiber (per 245 g serving); 8 g protein (per 245 g serving). USDA Organic. Certified Organic by Q.A.I. Certified vegan. Vegan.org. Certified gluten free.
Non-GMO Project verified. nongmoproject.org. Right foods. We love sharing our favorite soups with you. Our organic lentil vegetable with kale soup makes a hearty meal. To prepare, shake well, open carton and pour the soup into another container. Heat well until soup is hot. Stir & enjoy. Sustaining the earth sustaining you. rightfoods.com. (hashtag)rightfoods. Instagram. Facebook. YouTube. Pinterest. Looking for more ways to enjoy our foods? Head to rightfoods.com for delicious, easy recipes! Dr. McDougall has helped thousands improve their health and quality of life by teaching the benefits of a plant-based diet. The famous McDougall Program is located in Santa Rosa, California. This package is not lined with the chemical Bisphenol A (BPA), and is recyclable in certain locations in the US. Tetra Pak: Tetra recart. Please recycle. recyclecartons.com. FSC: Mix - board from responsible sources. www.fsc.org.